What aspects should be considered in cosmetic packaging design?

1. Cultural characteristics of cosmetic packaging design

Cosmetic packaging design with strong national cultural characteristics and cultural heritage can meet the aesthetic needs of domestic consumers and attract people’s attention. Therefore, the cultural image of the enterprise is reflected in the packaging design of cosmetics, and the cultural characteristics of product packaging are given, which will inject strong vitality into the product and make it unique.

2. The brand effect of cosmetic packaging design

The brand effect refers to a phenomenon that is triggered by the intangible assets of well-known or powerful brands and can bring new economic utility to its owners or operators. In daily life, some consumers even “don’t buy non-famous brands”. The reason is that brand products are a symbol of high quality and high reputation, condensing the spiritual style and characteristics of the enterprise, and can bring value and credibility to consumers. When women buy cosmetics, they mainly rely on brand effects to trigger purchase behavior. If a brand is well-known, even if consumers have not used it, they will buy it because of the brand value. Brands can become a kind of belief. Well-known brands bring safety promises to buyers and can help consumers identify and choose products.
To achieve a good brand effect, an enterprise needs to reflect the unique connotation of the brand, not only to establish a distinctive image and temperament but also to improve product quality. For enterprises, the successful introduction of clear brand information is also for the purpose of establishing the corporate image and improving the added value and competitiveness of products. When consumers buy, they first recognize the brand products and have trust and high-quality emotions, and then enjoy a symbolic aesthetic experience other than product consumption. This is where the charm of brand effect lies. The image of cosmetics brands is mostly female-oriented, and brand culture and packaging design are also important dimensions that female consumers pay attention to.

3. Humanized features of cosmetic packaging design

The so-called “humanization” is the concept of people-oriented, which is the expression of emotion, life, interest, and personality injected by designers into design works, and human factors are given to the form and function of design objects. Pay attention to consumers’ consumption emotional tendencies, use tangible material external form to express and carry abstract emotional sustenance, and use this as the creative motivation of product design, so that the works can meet the dual needs of consumers in terms of spirit and emotion. “Humanization” emphasizes the respect and humanistic care for human nature in the design, and the needs of people continue to promote the development of design and provide the impetus for design creation.

The humanized features of cosmetic packaging design are embodied in the form and function of the design. In terms of shape design, people’s psychological resonance and strong emotional experience are stimulated. In terms of functional elements, develop and excavate to create products that are convenient for people to use. Only the combination of product function and form elements can reflect the humanized design concept embodied in packaging design works.

Post time: Jun-30-2023