How to reuse the airless bottle

How to reuse the airless bottle


For repeated use of the airless bottle sample, it is necessary to remove the substance inside, and then press the piston part to make the piston part reach the bottom. When the piston runs to the bottom, the pump head needs to be removed and reinstalled so that it can be used again. But you must pay attention when returning the plug, do not use too much force to avoid damage. Airless Bottle

Can the airless bottle be cleaned ? 


The airless bottle can be cleaned, because most of the airless bottles are used in the field of cosmetics. You can use rice for rinsing. First, put water in the bottle, about 1/4 of the way, and then put an appropriate amount of rice. Finally, cover the lid and shake it vigorously. After the rice and water are everywhere, you will find that the bottle is very clean.
You can also use crushed egg shells for cleaning, put the crushed egg shells into a bottle, and then add boiling water to the bottle. Shake vigorously to wash away any residue from the bottle. The effect of this method is very good, the bottle can be cleaned very clean. Because of the residue in the bottle, if it is not cleaned, it is easy to produce a lot of bacteria.
If you are worried that the vacuum bottle cannot be washed more thoroughly, you can put 75% alcohol in it. Then shake it gently and rinse with water several times. You will find that the inside of the bottle is very clean, and it also achieves the purpose of disinfection. Try not to leave the alcohol in the bottle for too long to avoid danger.

Can airless bottles contain alcohol ?


Alcohol cannot be placed in airless bottles because alcohol exists in a vacuum environment. There will be a boiling situation, so the air pressure in the bottle will increase, but the alcohol stays for a short time when cleaning, which is very safe. Therefore, the items that can be put in the airless bottle must be rationalized according to the standards.
Alcohol itself is a flammable and explosive item. It will be very dangerous if it is placed in an airless bottle, because in the case of high temperature, alcohol can easily swell the bottle, which will bring certain dangers. It is very reasonable to put cosmetics or perfumes in the airless bottle as much as possible.

Post time: Jun-14-2022