Cosmetic injection molding packaging material can do what process?


When choosing cosmetics, people are often attracted by product packaging. In order to improve their market competitiveness, businesses have begun to work hard on the surface technology of cosmetic packaging materials.

Nowadays, the surface technology of cosmetic packaging materials can be described as “varied”. Our common gradual discoloration, bright gold, matte surface, silver plating, particles, etc.

These technologies will make the color, appearance and feel of cosmetic injection packaging materials more textured and beautiful, how are these effects made.

The production process of cosmetic packaging materials is mainly divided into two processes: coloring and printing.

1. coloring process

Alumina: Aluminum exterior, wrapped in an inner layer of plastic.

Plating (UV): Compared with the spray chart, the effect is bright.

Spraying: Compared with electroplating, the color is dark and dumb.

External spraying of inner bottle: spraying is carried out on the outside of the inner bottle. There is an obvious gap between the outer bottle and the outer bottle from the appearance, and the spray pattern area is small from the side.

Outer bottle spray: is the inner side of the outer bottle for spray painting, from the appearance of a larger area, the vertical plane view area is smaller, and there is no gap with the inner bottle.

Brushed gold and silver: it is actually a film. Careful observation can find the gap between the bottle body.

Secondary oxidation: the injection molding parts manufacturer carries out secondary oxidation on the original oxide layer, so as to achieve the pattern with the smooth surface covered with the dull surface or the pattern with the dull surface appearing the smooth surface, which is mostly used for logo production.

Injection color: Yes

Post time: Jun-05-2024